Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Cycle 1 Name : Raundoh Tul Jannah

Class : IX Bilingual

No.Abs: 23


Definition Canary is animal kinds of bird. This fauna/ bird have color special namely yellow orange, this bird there are which from Indonesia or local canary bird, there to which color white, black orange, yellow green and have color foot, young red, brown, have bill sharp, beauty body and color, have eyes room cute.

Description 1 Canary bird have kinds, namely canary cross local super and import canary. Example superior Canary from Jermyn and Belinda. Kinds Namely Yorkshire, Border, and Gloater, a part from that bird become seller and ungues/ fauna.

Description 2 Kinds of Yorkshire that much chosen for induce because big the body(long 17-22cm). If cross with local Super become chill god body and Gabor voice, crossed Yorkshire with local super become F1, F1 cross again with Yorkshire other, become F2. Price of F2 More expensive because cross difficult.

Description 3 The Bird F1the price Rp 350.000, Rp 450.000, and F2 seller Rp 500.000,Rp 750.000. That other , body of F2 to bigger than F1.

Chill of canary Bird local Price cheap than Rp 25.000, Rp 60.000 and Local Super Rp 65.000, Rp 200.000, white Canary more expensive.

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