Orientation: Let me introduce my self, my name is RaundohTul Jannah,I am from SMPN 1 Kayen would story about Going to Yogyakarta.
Event I: Two years ago I and my friends Going To Yogyakarta for holiday. Before going to Yogyakarta I prepared some thinks. Than at morning I took a bath and want to school. At the school I and My friends gathered .Not a long time the bus came and we one by one entered to the bus.
Event II: I sat with my friends after until Solo I sat with my Principles school, she is Ms. Sri. On the way we ate some food/snack and some drinks with singing together. Until Malang we took a rest and prayed Dzuhur. Than we entered To Mosium Yogya Kembali or Monument Yogya Kembali. There were human replica at ravel about at struggle for free and at Proclamation. And in there we are reading short explanation historical pictures. In the behind Monument there were SOLDIER Training or TNI, this Monument very big, tall, beautiful, this building shapes “Pyramidal”, and inside building there is shapes the hand to grasp and a big Flag Red Wheat in the on Monument. In outside Monument there are fists of pool for playing boat.
Event III: After that we had lunch and take a rest. Than I and my friends photo-photo and back to the journey for want Smart Park in there I and my friends played and bought some food and Ice cream. Than I with my girls friends are Hana, Firda, Nurul, Rini, and Sita to Mark Malioboro, we to market by tricycle after bought fast flowers, special food from Yogyakarta and we back to bus, and bought sate, lumpier, and Ice cream.
Event IV: Than we had lunch and continuo our trip to Prambanan temple. N there we photos and building temple,building to talk down because earthquake. Very much building which down, one temple which not enter namely Roro Jonggrang temple because about will to fall down. And in there we looked beautiful views. For enter Prambanan temple we had to bought ticket. At Prambanan I and my friends bought clothes, nectangle and some food., after that we back to the bus. And at night Saturday there are Ramayana dance.
Event V: We continuo the journey, to Taman Kyai Langgeng until there we bought ticket, after that we enter and played which after to readies some from we, swimming in swimming pool. At there are mountains, that gas has very good, and views very interesting. At there we bought some food and drink, and our activities finished.
Reorientation:After enjoy we back to bus for went home. At journey we very happy. We until Kayen at 23.30p.m and we went to home with motorcycle. I very tired and happy. This are my experience which not would me forget because a good experience.